Besides offering high quality products and services, Borlandelli and Volpi offers practical and proper consultation tools.
Moreover, we have realized interesting technical cards, available on demand, that allow our customers to find advices, solutions and products for any kind of necessity.
All products:
- Plastic coatings SIL-PLAST and GRANA-PLAST:
- Scratched
- Damask
- Rolled
- Troweled
- Gritted
- Petrified plasters SILNOVA:
- Subtle, medium or big type
- Sprinkled
- Strollato
- Sham hammered
- Hydropaintings SIL-PAINT:
- Transpiring
- Supercovering washable
- Quartzy washable
- Potassium silicate products:
- Siloxanic products:
- SANIC-PAINT siloxanic painting
- SANIC-RIVE siloxanic coating
- SANIC-FONDO siloxanic foundation
- SANIC-REP siloxanic hydrorepellent
- SIL-QUARZ plastic coating
- GRANOSIL mineral coating